Category: Retire in Texas

Managing the Sequence-of-Returns Risk

Managing the Sequence-of-Returns Risk

Imagine the day you retire. You’ve been working and investing for years leading up to this point. Not just money, but also countless hours went...
Thinking Outside Normal Investments

Thinking Outside Normal Investments

Investing is simple. You acquire assets to profit from their increase in value. Yet, so many people overcomplicate it, and change their strategy whenever they...
10 Money things to look for in 2023

10 Money things to look for in 2023

The holidays are over, and 2023 is already in full swing. This means two things: Even though 2022 is over, it’s still impacting our plans...
How do retirement distributions work?

How do retirement distributions work?

When it comes to retiring, how to invest your money is always in focus. Since there is so much to think about with diversification and...
Are people giving up on traditional health insurance?

Are people giving up on traditional health insurance?

Healthcare may be the most dreaded topic in regards to retirement. Since the traditional healthcare system seems so complicated, most people lose track of how...
Top 10 money-headlines in 2022

Top 10 money-headlines in 2022

2022 has been an eventful year. And unfortunately, some happenings had bad effects on our economy. Russia invading Ukraine made our problems with inflation even...
The travel opportunities in 2023 with Edward Leos from The Hotel Guide

The travel opportunities in 2023 with Edward Leos from The Hotel Guide

One of the best ways to spend your money is to travel. Sure, its benefits are not as tangible as buying a house or a...
From engineering to spreading the faith in God with Hank Hornstein

From engineering to spreading the faith in God with Hank Hornstein

Most people have a negative view on what is going on in the world. And the apparent decrease in faith – especially in the younger...
Setting and achieving goals

Setting and achieving goals

People tend to deny the importance of setting goals the closer they get to retirement. They argue it’s something for the younger generations, that they’re...
CPA recruiter pivots into leading others with Mark Goldman

CPA recruiter pivots into leading others with Mark Goldman

Most things in life turn out differently than we expect them to. A new technology can turn an industry upside down. Getting the degree we...

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