Category: Financial Planning

How to Calculate Your Investment Performance Expectations: 10 Things to Consider

How to Calculate Your Investment Performance Expectations: 10 Things to Consider

No one invests hoping to lose money. But what are your expectations for your financial investments? Are they reasonable? As an investment firm in San...
Financial Advisor in San Antonio Breaks Down 5 Types of IRAs: Which is Right for You?

Financial Advisor in San Antonio Breaks Down 5 Types of IRAs: Which is Right for You?

An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) can be a great way to save toward your retirement and take advantage of tax benefits. But did you know...
How to Plan for Long-Term Care (For You and Your Parents)

How to Plan for Long-Term Care (For You and Your Parents)

For most people, planning ahead for their future long-term-care needs ranks right up there with thinking about pre-paying funeral expenses – it’s a task you...
Time in the Market Vs. Timing the Market: Investment Firm in San Antonio Weighs In

Time in the Market Vs. Timing the Market: Investment Firm in San Antonio Weighs In

“Time in the market” and “timing the market” may sound like basically the same thing, but they are completely different concepts! While one is a...
What is a Monte Carlo Simulation and Why Do Financial Advisors Use It?

What is a Monte Carlo Simulation and Why Do Financial Advisors Use It?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get stock tips and investment advice from Marty McFly? Unfortunately, the Back to the Future method of predicting...
15 Things to Have in Place Before You Retire

15 Things to Have in Place Before You Retire

Ready to retire? Happy? Now?! Let’s find out. The financial advisory team at PAX Financial Group has put together the following retirement planning checklist, which...
Common Estate Planning Questions: How to Pass a Business on to the Next Generation

Common Estate Planning Questions: How to Pass a Business on to the Next Generation

For a lot of business owners, their exit plans involve leaving their company to their children and grandchildren. But passing on your business to the...
5 Ways Offering a Retirement Plan to Your Employees Benefits You, Too

5 Ways Offering a Retirement Plan to Your Employees Benefits You, Too

Are you considering setting up a retirement plan for your employees? It can be a smart move, as employees consistently name retirement plans as one...
Is a Biblically Responsible Investing Strategy Right for You?

Is a Biblically Responsible Investing Strategy Right for You?

Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) is a movement that has gained a lot of attention recently in the financial services industry, and it’s something that I’m...
8 Dangerous Financial Planning Assumptions Business Owners Shouldn’t Be Making

8 Dangerous Financial Planning Assumptions Business Owners Shouldn’t Be Making

As a financial advisor in San Antonio, I see people generally fall in one of two groups when it comes to financial planning and preparing...

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