Wealth Management with Morals: The San Antonio BRI Movement

Given today’s news headlines, more people are looking for ways to impact their communities positively, and Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) is one way to pursue this goal. It’s not just about where you invest your money but also how those investments reflect your personal beliefs and contribute positively to society. 

As Christian financial advisors in San Antonio, we apply BRI principles to our clients’ financial planning and investment management strategies as we honor and respect Judeo-Christian values.  

In this article, we’ll look at how the BRI movement is helping to reshape wealth management in San Antonio and how you can invest with your conscience.

Misconceptions about Biblically Responsible Investing

As BRI has gained more visibility and popularity in recent years, some misconceptions about this investing method have arisen: 

Misconception #1:  Does the Bible instruct Christians to steer clear of investing in companies engaged in unethical activities? 

Consciously or subconsciously, everyone has certain boundaries that define their beliefs. This question poses a significant challenge, especially among Christians who adhere to Biblical teachings, as there’s no universal consensus on what activities warrant exclusion – for example, tobacco, weapons, alcohol, and birth control.

The Bible doesn’t explicitly direct us toward specific investment strategies.  Instead, it offers overarching principles that, as Christians, we can strive to integrate into all aspects of our lives, including wealth management.  

It is essential that we make these distinctions at some level. Consciously or subconsciously, everyone has certain boundaries that define their beliefs.

We must also recognize that the world is sometimes clearly divided into right and wrong. We are responsible for making sound financial decisions that ideally align with our beliefs, values, and biblical teachings.  You can construct a financial plan that incorporates your faith and principles using prayerful consideration along with the assistance of a fiduciary BRI financial advisor. 

Ultimately, it’s a personal choice, and you must do what you feel is right based on your beliefs and values.  

Proverbs 21:5: “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” This passage emphasizes the importance of careful planning and avoiding rash financial decisions.

Listen to our Podcast: “Woke Culture and Its Impact on our Financial Future”

Misconception #2:  One of the top BRI concerns is whether investments can deliver competitive financial returns. 

A common question among Christian investors is whether it’s possible to align their investments with their moral convictions without sacrificing financial performance. 

The core of the debate lies in the impact of ethical screens on investment alternatives. Critics of BRI argue that limiting investment options could exclude high-performing sectors, thereby reducing the opportunity for higher returns. For instance, avoiding certain industries or companies based on moral grounds could mean missing out on significant market performance.

On the other hand, BRI can yield competitive returns because the approach encourages long-term strategies and responsible corporate behavior, which are hallmarks of more conservative investment management.

While BRI investing strategies may involve certain trade-offs regarding current investment options, it doesn’t mean you must compromise on your potential for financial returns.  This is where the services of a fiduciary financial advisor in San Antonio can assist you. 

Misconception #3: Lack of diversification in a BRI portfolio. 

Another misconception about BRI investing is that a portfolio may not be fully diversified if certain types of investments are limited or excluded. 

Understanding that BRI doesn’t significantly limit your investment universe is important. It primarily filters out companies directly involved in activities contrary to the Bible’s teaching. This leaves a broad spectrum of sectors and companies to choose from, enabling broad, global diversification across multiple industry groups and countries.

Another consideration is how asset allocation is applied in BRI. Like any investment approach, diversification in BRI isn’t just about investing in the individual stocks or sectors you choose but also allocating your investments across additional asset classes, such as bonds, real estate, and other alternative investments (not stocks and bonds). This can help reduce risk and produce more stable returns, even within a BRI framework.

Consider using the services of a Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA) when crafting your portfolio.  These professionals are skilled in identifying companies and assets that align with Biblical values while also adhering to the principles of sound investment management. Their expertise can be invaluable in constructing a diversified, BRI-compliant portfolio.

Misconception #4: BRI and SRI investing are the same.

It’s important to understand that Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) are two different and distinct approaches with a common goal – ethical investing. Each has a unique focus and its own set of guiding principles.

The key difference lies in their foundational principles: BRI is guided by specific religious teachings, while a broader range of ethical, social, and environmental concerns drives SRI. While there is always the potential for overlap— for example, both strategies can exclude similar sectors like tobacco or firearms—their core motivations and the specific criteria used for investment screening differ significantly.

SRI takes a broader approach. It encompasses investments that generate positive social and environmental impacts alongside financial returns. SRI strategies may exclude investments in companies that harm the environment, engage in poor labor practices, or contribute to other societal ills. Additionally, SRI investors often seek out companies actively working towards social or environmental goals, like renewable energy or social justice.

Why Work with a Financial Advisor Who Honors Judeo Christian Values in Texas?

As your wealth and assets grow, so do their complexities, increasing the importance of partnering with a wealth management firm that provides advice and services consistent with your beliefs.

At PAX Financial Group, our team of financial advisors honor Judeo Christian values and specialize in handling the assets of successful individuals and their families, providing custom-tailored services based on their circumstances, concerns, goals, and tolerance for risk.  Contact us to schedule an introductory interview.


This material is provided by PAX Financial Group, LLC. The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. The information herein has been derived from sources believed to be accurate. Please note: Biblically Responsible Investing (“BRI”) involves, among other things, screening for companies that fit within the goal of investing in companies aligned with biblical values. Such screens may serve to reduce the pool of high performing companies considered for investment. Investing involves risk. BRI investing does not guarantee a favorable investment outcome. PAX Financial Group has conducted due diligence for their Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) process and proudly serves as each client’s advocate using fully vetted third-party specialists for the administration of BRI methodology. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investments will fluctuate and when redeemed may be worth more or less than when originally invested. This information should not be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice and may not be relied on for the purpose of avoiding any Federal tax penalty. This is neither a solicitation nor recommendation to purchase or sell any investment or insurance product and should not be relied upon as such.

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