Category: retirement

What is a Trust? And Other Common Estate Planning Questions

What is a Trust? And Other Common Estate Planning Questions

When do you need a financial planner? Ask yourself these 3 questions: Will I outlive my money in retirement? Am I doing everything I can...
Why a Long-Term Relationship with Your Advisor Can Help You Build Wealth

Why a Long-Term Relationship with Your Advisor Can Help You Build Wealth

The advent of new technology has introduced a whole new world of tools to the everyday investor. However, today’s newfound investing power may also be...
A Retirement Checkup for Employers: 3 Perks to Consider as People Return to Work

A Retirement Checkup for Employers: 3 Perks to Consider as People Return to Work

Business owners don’t only have to think about their retirement, but they should also consider the retirements of their employees. Choosing the right benefits depends...
3 Coronavirus Scams That Can Derail Your San Antonio Retirement

3 Coronavirus Scams That Can Derail Your San Antonio Retirement

Not even a pandemic can keep scammers from scamming. Unfortunately, we live in a time where if there is money changing hands, there will be...
To Refi or Not to Refi? What to Consider

To Refi or Not to Refi? What to Consider

Mortgage payments are one of the biggest monthly expenses in most households, so it makes sense that refinancing is often on people’s minds. Is now...
What Does Your Dream Retirement Look Like?

What Does Your Dream Retirement Look Like?

What comes to mind when you think about how you’ll spend your days in retirement? During your working years, it can be easy to get...
How to Navigate Sudden Wealth … And How Not To

How to Navigate Sudden Wealth … And How Not To

We all dream of the day when a sudden windfall lands in our lap. While it may not happen to all of us, if it...
10 Ways to Support Family Members Without Risking Your Retirement

10 Ways to Support Family Members Without Risking Your Retirement

Do you have that one person in your family who always comes to you for money? It seems like the more financially stable you are,...
Seniors: Here’s a Tip to Lower Taxes While Giving to Charity

Seniors: Here’s a Tip to Lower Taxes While Giving to Charity

The holiday season is a time for reflection and giving back, and many people choose December as the month for making their charitable donations. Philanthropic...
Classes on Retirement Planning Can Be a Huge Help

Classes on Retirement Planning Can Be a Huge Help

Retiring can be scary, but if you planned for retirement – how you want to spend your time when you’re not working, how you are...

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