Category: Retire in Texas

3 Ways To Take Care of Your Parents’ Elder Care In Texas (Even If They Live Out of State)

3 Ways To Take Care of Your Parents’ Elder Care In Texas (Even If They Live Out of State)

Chronic care could happen at any time. Being a caregiver for one or both of your parents can be difficult. Especially if kids are fighting...
Social Security – False Promise or Safety Net?

Social Security – False Promise or Safety Net?

Most Baby Boomers were raised to “go to school and get a job” with a pension or a retirement account. Additionally, the US government added...
5 Ways a Texas Financial Advisor Helps You Make the Most Out of Your Retirement Funds

5 Ways a Texas Financial Advisor Helps You Make the Most Out of Your Retirement Funds

Most people want to retire at age 65. But do you have a plan with your financial advisor that meets your values? Retiring in Texas...
Retire In Texas Intro

Retire In Texas Intro

If you are close to retirement and your plan is to retire in Texas, this is the right money conversation for you. Here you will...

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