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How to Spend – Tips from Your Financial Life Advisors San Antonio

How to Spend – Tips from Your Financial Life Advisors San Antonio

I hate to admit it, but I do like to buy stuff. I can always find a reason to buy new sneakers, new music, technology,...
10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making a Financial Decision, Especially As We Age

10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making a Financial Decision, Especially As We Age

The last time I saw a client of mine (we’ll call him “Jim”), was 12 months ago, and he was sharp as a tack. A...
My Child is About to Go to College! Parents: Planning Isn’t Just Financial Services

My Child is About to Go to College! Parents: Planning Isn’t Just Financial Services

As another school year approaches, I recall a frantic email I received from an existing client. He asked me for help in rewriting a letter to...
Financial Planning for Parents Should Include Saving for Education

Financial Planning for Parents Should Include Saving for Education

You have a $250,000 investment and no one told you! (Well, that’s if you have a child.) I’m a financial planner with four children. I...
5 Steps to Help Ensure You Won’t Outlive Your Income

5 Steps to Help Ensure You Won’t Outlive Your Income

How can you be confident that you will not outlive your income? Here’s how: First, you must know that you have three primary objectives when...
Retirement Planning San Antonio: Video Conferencing Can Make It Easier

Retirement Planning San Antonio: Video Conferencing Can Make It Easier

There is no question, communication with your financial advisor is crucial. Meeting on a regular basis is important to stay abreast of what is going...
5 Reasons Why You Should Retire Now

5 Reasons Why You Should Retire Now

About 10,000 Baby Boomers retire every day. Are you one of them? For those who follow my posts and have heard me speak, you know...
‘Just in Case’ Preparation – Estate Planning for You and Your Family Members

‘Just in Case’ Preparation – Estate Planning for You and Your Family Members

Death is not a fun topic to discuss, especially with loved ones who “don’t want to think about that right now.” But it’s a conversation...
6 Factors That May Help Your Retirement Planning (San Antonio)

6 Factors That May Help Your Retirement Planning (San Antonio)

At age 70-½, the IRS blows out candles celebrating your half birthday … and the taxes you’ll pay from Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) on your...
Updating Your Will – 2 Things You Need to Talk About with Your Financial Planner San Antonio

Updating Your Will – 2 Things You Need to Talk About with Your Financial Planner San Antonio

“I keep putting off my will.” As a well-established financial planner in San Antonio, this is a phrase we hear nearly every day at PAX...
Updating Your Will: 2 Things to Talk About with Your Financial Planner

Updating Your Will: 2 Things to Talk About with Your Financial Planner

“I keep putting off my will.” As a well-established financial planner in San Antonio, this is a phrase we hear nearly every day at PAX...
Are Your Worries Real? Financial Services Advice

Are Your Worries Real? Financial Services Advice

How do you know if your worry is real or just manufactured by Facebook posts, email forwards, CNBC headlines or a brother-in-law who knows someone...

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