Darryl W. Lyons

More about the author: Darryl W. Lyons

CEO and co-founder of the PAX Financial Group, Darryl Lyons, has been a licensed professional in the financial services industry since 1999.
Chances of Getting Social Security

Chances of Getting Social Security

“More young people believe they’ll see a U.F.O. than that they’ll see their own Social Security Benefits.” – Mitch McConnell When our company is preparing...
Tax reform – New laws will help most of America because of the higher-standard deductions

Tax reform – New laws will help most of America because of the higher-standard deductions

A major goal of the new tax reform law is to stimulate economic growth by lowering taxes. The bill’s reduction in the corporate tax rate from...
Bitcoin is an Investment That Lacks Evidence and a Track Record

Bitcoin is an Investment That Lacks Evidence and a Track Record

The news lately has been full of stories about the rapid rise and precipitous fall of the cryptocurrency bitcoin. However, even after falling from a...
5 Considerations Before You Convert Your IRA to a Roth IRA

5 Considerations Before You Convert Your IRA to a Roth IRA

Some people get a dormitory named after them. Others get a park. Some get a street. Regardless, getting something named after you is an honor;...
How to Invest Smartly: 5 Ways To Avoid Investment Deceit

How to Invest Smartly: 5 Ways To Avoid Investment Deceit

In a study performed by behavioral finance expert Richard Thaler, two groups were given hypothetical portfolios. One group received performance feedback monthly, while the other...
Three Variations of Retirement

Three Variations of Retirement

There are three different variations of retirement that should be considered by everyone. Not everyone can pick and choose the dream retirement, but knowing the three...
You should know this word: Fiduciary

You should know this word: Fiduciary

What is a fiduciary? Why is this word important and subject to loud, arrogant arguments on Capital Hill? It isn’t child hunger. It isn’t healthcare....
5 Investing Rules to Never Forget

5 Investing Rules to Never Forget

“The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator.” – Ben Graham Let’s reset our assumptions about investing. This means...
Do You Need A Financial Planner?

Do You Need A Financial Planner?

What does a financial planner do? Well, that depends. Many individuals refer to themselves as “financial planners,” but not all perform true multidisciplinary financial planning....

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